I’ve been using WordPress since I was 15, which is now over 15 years ago. Since I never bothered to learn PHP or read the documentation, I’d be lying if I said I knew how to actually build something with it. I’ve always relied on friends for help.

This is the first time in forever that I’m blogging on something other than WordPress. There’s no backend, no theming, no plugins, and for the first time, I actually understand how to add whatever I want.

It feels great.

There’s a slight chance that I’ll grow tired of using a static site generator as my blog framework, sure. But in the context of my ongoing effort to get better at coding, I feel like gifting myself this playground, with all its possibilities, might make the few downsides worth it.

Look at this cool library of all the books I’ve read in 2023! I wouldn’t even know where to start with something like that in Wordpress.